Our Solutions

CrowdED Learning is working to take the guesswork out of finding high-quality, reusable OER. From custom technologies that allow educators to easily find, organize, adapt, and share OER, to ready-to-go resource libraries focused on specific topics or curricula, our solutions are designed to help educators and learners connect with the perfect resources for their contexts.


Our flagship tool – SkilBlox – is a free library of thousands of curated OER and teacher created activities, organized by skills across six subject areas and counting. With SkillBlox, you can easily find, organize, remix, and share free and open content with learners and other instructors. 

OER Resources

Through a variety of grant-funded initiatives and content partnerships, we’ve worked to gather the highest-quality free and open education resources focused on specific skill and subject areas. The result is curated libraries of content focused on literacy, numeracy, digital literacy, and more. 

Skill Directories

Want to check out even more resources? Our skill directories are designed to point you to high-quality websites, courses, and other free and open sources of content across twelve subjects, organized by academic, workplace, and lifelong learning competency areas.