2019 NCTN

National College Transitions Network

Session 1 | "Free or Open"? Understanding Can and Cannot-Do's

View, copy, and download session presentation, handouts, and other goodies.

Learn about Creative Commons license types.

Free or Open Examples?

Are these resources being used correctly?

  1. Wakelet Reading Activity
  2. GCF Learn Free Lesson PDF
  3. FLC's GED Math

Session 2 | Defining "Digital Literacy"—A Learner-Centric Approach

View, copy, and download session presentation, handouts, and other goodies.

Shareable collection of Digital Literacy articles, standards documents, frameworks, reports.

List of skills gathered from a variety of skills frameworks and assessments, from the Seattle Digital Equity Initiative.

Padlet activity for sorting and categorizing digital domains

Sampling of 12 occupations and how each occupation uses digital tools. From Google Applied Digital Skills' Resources for Teachers.

Session 3 | EBRI—Blending Publisher Resources with OER

View, copy, and download session presentation, handouts, and other goodies.

Use this document to share your thoughts during today's session.


Coming November 19!

Compilation of the Build Your Toolkit for Adult Learning with CrowdED Learning PD packet.

Program page for New Readers Press' Journey to Success program, the publisher curriculum used for the session workshop. Includes free resources, video overview, and standards correlations.